Helena Marie Mousaw was born April 8, 1935 and passed away peacefully surrounded by family on February 21, 2020. Marie was the daughter of Albert and Elaine Dumoulin and was born in Canton, New York. Marie made her way out west and settled her family in Kanab in 1974. Her husband Mike passed away in 1983 leaving her to raise her two boys, Russ and Doug, by herself. She was a great mother who supported everything her boys decided to try. Often she traveled to far-away places in inclement weather to make sure her boys knew she was in the stands supporting them. Along with the other moms in the stands, Marie and her friends became the female version of Kanab’s downtown coaches club. Marie was a hard worker. Her first job in Kanab was at the old Bark Plant where she worked alongside men bagging the bark on the swing shift. She gained a reputation as an honest worker and was rewarded with a job in town by Sharon and George Bunting at Bunting’s Market. This allowed her to get to know most of the people in the community. The location in the middle of town also struck fear into her boys because they knew if they got in trouble during the day, they would need to hurry to the store right after school to tell mom what they had done to stave off the trouble that would happen if she found out from someone else. Marie then took a job in the County Clerk’s office where she again was known for her hard work and integrity. When the opportunity came up she ran for and won a seat as the Kane County Treasurer where she worked until her retirement in 2003. Marie was a dedicated grandmother to her four grandchildren and one great grandson. Michael had the opportunity to live with her and build a special bond while Russ was deployed in Operation Desert Storm. Later, RJ and McKaela had the opportunity to live with their Nana when Doug and Kallie moved back to Kanab and temporarily stayed there until they found their own place down the street. Although Lizzy never lived with her grandma, she shares a special bond with her just the same and is the mother to Marie’s only great grandchild. Lizzy is the mother to Marie’s great grandson Oliver. Russ and his wife Nichole made many special trips up to Kanab to allow Marie to get her great grandson fix. Family was very important to Marie. Marie lived a full life of almost 85 years. She was healthy throughout her lifetime and left us peacefully after a short period in hospice care. The family is grateful for everyone who helped us during this time. She will be remembered in a graveside service at the Kanab, Utah Cemetery on Saturday March 7 at 11:00 AM. All are welcome.
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