How do you judge the quality of someone’s life? Is it how much they learned, who they met, the lives they touched…? What aspect is greater than another? For some you just understand that they inspired all around them.
Mika Nicole (Fisher) Sanborn was such a person. She was born into this world on November 4, 1987 to loving and encouraging parents, Mark and Stana Fisher. Born a little like wine; feisty, spunky, a ball of energy that desired to be active. A free spirit, she developed a niche for helping others and a passion for caring and comforting the ones she loved. She knew her boundaries and held them stubbornly; following the path she determined to be the right course for her. Growing up she baked, danced, sang, had adventures, got lost and then found, and discovered the fervor for life. After graduating Kanab High in 2006, she left her small town and comfort to push herself as she became a pastry chef, attending and graduating from The French Pastry School in Chicago. Upon graduating she worked as a pastry chef for The Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Enoteca San Marcos Pizzeria in Las Vegas, and at Sego’s in Kanab, UT.
In 2008, she met David Sanborn, fell in love, and was married in 2009. In 2010, they were sealed together on March 12th in the Logan Temple, preparing also to begin her a role as mother. On July 25, 2010, she brought Tristan Andrew Sanborn into this world and then Samuel Neil on May 27, 2013. Her pride and joy quickly became her two beautiful boys. As they began to grow she was determined to help them through this life and quickly began to learn, research, and love the use of nature into her family. In 2014, she began her life as a doTERRA Consultant and in 2016 began working as a LuLaRoe Consultant. These two jobs embodied who Nicole was. She had the opportunity and ability to reach out to people and bless their lives, and she did so time and time again, always focusing her business around helping others to feel beautiful, loved, and in control of who they were.
Throughout her life Nicole had a deep and amazing love with her Savior and worked to develop her spiritual side. She knew what she believed and who she was and with this knowledge and love she inspired us all. On March 11, 2018, Nicole went back to live with her Father in Heaven as she lost her 5 month bout with breast cancer due to an infection that over ran her. How do we know the quality of her life? It is in the stories that have been told since her passing, in the hearts that she lifted, in the lives that she blessed, and in the pain we all feel from losing her. Nicole loved and taught other to love – unconditionally, unquestioningly, unequivocally, and unabashedly. She is strong, mighty, compassionate, gentle and all of these at once. She will live forever in each and every one of us, in our hearts and memories we hold of her. So please take the time and share one story of how Nicole helped you to someone around you and allow her memory to thrive and continue to bless the lives of others.
Please come and join us for a chance to remember her together at the viewing in Syracuse, UT from 6-7:00 p.m. at the LDS Chapel at 2887 W 2700 S this Wednesday the 14th of March, at a viewing in Kanab, UT from 6-7:00 p.m. at Mosdell Mortuary at 676 S Highway 89A on Thursday the 15th of March, and at her funeral service in Kanab, UT at 11:00 a.m., viewing before had at 10:00 a.m., at the LDS Chapel at 20 W Center on Friday the 16th of March. And remember she is “Always right here with you.”
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